Friday, April 25, 2014

Now where did that mix tape go??

Happy Friday!

I'd love to say that things have been so quiet on the blog because they've been so quiet at home.  In fact the inverse is true.  It's been quiet on here because life with our littles is madness.  Daily and hilariously so, but madness.   
Playmates:Raspberry Practice:Naps:Bubbles & Boots

We continue to email our good surgeon in Boston weekly head circumference measurements.  His replies usually contain comments like, "Just a little ahead of the normal curve", and, "Seems to be growing slightly faster than what we typically see".  Now don't be too alarmed.  Remember that trip to the ophthalmologist, the one where there was no pressure on her optic nerve?  No pressure means no build up of pressure in her head.  Her other signs of well being are all perfect.  No, I think little Zelie's issue is that she just isn't that little!   Just look at those beautiful rolls and creases!!

Zelie currently is the 95th-plus-a-smidge percentile for weight and the 75th for height.  She wears  is outgrowing 6-9 month clothes.  She is not you're average almost-5 month old cub.  So it is reasonable that her head should keep pace.   

In any case, we have planned all along to return to Boston at the 6 month mark for some follow up imaging.  Those plans are now morphing into tickets and reservations and people scheduling time off and the like.  This time it is Aunt Honey who'll travel along and instead of driving we're doing this.

Very exciting!  Even though J has been on a train before, he won't remember it.  I can't wait to see his brilliant little face light up and those huge, saucer eyes spin around trying to take it all in.

In truth the whole trip feels more like a vacation, maybe a reunion, than anything medical. Not only do we have nothing but love for our surgeon, but a return to Our Lady's Basilica, another meal in the North End and summer weather that feels like spring all add up to that delicious feeling of something good on the wind. 

The reality of going back to Boston has me remembering, sometimes re-living, our first trip there.  I've been looking at old posts here, rummaging through all the photos we took then, thinking, praying and ultimately I can draw only two conclusions. 

First, in Our Lady's words:

    The Almighty has done great things for me and Holy is His name.

And second, I'm married to a Superhero ya'll - mild mannered day job, glasses and all.  A true, for real, can fly through the night, Superhero.  

That's all there is.  What else could a girl even want?