Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Is it raining in there?

Its raining out here too!

We've had a reprieve from the cold weather, the price for which has been all day rain and grey skies.  But I know the weather report is not what you came here to read.

We had an appointment today, but actually went in on Monday instead.  We had the usual round of monitoring along with an extra ultrasound.  Everything continues to look great.  Miss Zelie is now measuring "ahead" by two weeks.  Meaning, at just 38 weeks she's showing herself to be as big as a 40 week old babe.  That's good for her.  She has a lot to contend with once she's out and being bigger will help her.  Its not quite so great for Mama, who is finding that all her insides feel bruised and unbalanced.  

However, there is no sign of an early delivery so Mama is having to content herself with marking off the days remaining.  There are no more appointments between now and her scheduled delivery, so we really are in the final countdown.  Provided nothing dramatic happens, you can expect an update from Daddy here on Tuesday.

Since there was no appointment today, we did some exploring outside of town.  We had a super yummy breakfast at Kane's dognuts.  Then we wound our way to a little town called Peabody, that had a big mall and a great indoor playground.  J played until he was ready to drop.  Slides, cars, tunnels, lots of other kids and a wonderful spongy floor kept him busy for about an hour and a half.  That and a nice warm lunch made for a really excellent nap time.

Now we are all snug inside.  Nana and daddy are competing at cards and J is using dominoes like legos.  Not a bad way to enjoy the afternoon. 

Happy Thanksgiving one and all!  We wish you a warm, happy holiday surrounded by love.  That's certainly how we will be spending ours.

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