What is clinic? Its a big 'ol doctor party! Kind of like Go. dog. Go! only without the tree and the fun hats.
Instead of a tree, we had a seat in a very large exam room. Here's who came to see us...
- Orthopedics - Don't read too much about Spina Bifida. She's doing so well that we will treat her just as we would any typical child.
- Physical Medicine and Physical Therapy - Wow! That's a lot of movement! Keep working on those hip flexes and kicking those feet.
- Social Services - Everyone happy at home? - You bet, Lady. You bet!
- Urology - Pressures seem good, nothing concerning right now. We've scheduled for some new bladder images later this summer.
- Neurosurgery - Um... her head measurements are off the charts! Somebody grab a growth chart. OH. Ok. So is the rest of her. - That's our little Buster. They haven't made a growth chart that can hold her!
- Developmental Pediatrics - Is she social? Does she smile? How well does she grab things? Transfer them from hand to hand without a pit stop in her cute little mouth? - Mr. we have got that all covered!

And what did J do all this time? Trains. He watched trains running many floors below us. Trains. Trains. Trains.
After all that, we do have some follow up later in the summer. Orthopedics, Ophthalmology and Urology all want to see her again; protocol, nothing more.
Then we went home and spent the weekend being grateful. It looked like this. Parking was limited...
But the games and the smiles were worth it!
Now we are just counting down the days until Boston (and more Trains. Trains. Trains.).
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