Thursday, December 5, 2013

Happy Thursday!

Happy Thursday Everybody!

We are all doing very well today.

Zelie Update: Zelie is eating great! No more NG tube. Dressing on her back was changed this morning and the drain is still in place for probably 1 more day. Renal ultrasound will happen this morning.

Mom Update: Ha! Almost discharged today, but we regrouped with the medical staff and she will be discharged Friday.

Dad Update: I got Zelie added to the insurance and seem to have everything in order. I'm just waiting to be blindsided by something I forgot. Hopefully, I will do some driving today to go see where our new apartment is exactly and to work on the driving routes between there and the Children's Hospital.

Oh! Hey look, we have clouds again! Must mean the angels are here in full force ;)


  1. Just catching up. Wonderful news to see Zelie has arrived safe and sound. Over the moon for you both. Sending loads of love and you are in my thoughts and prays. I shall spread the word to your UA friends Sumdi. Congratulations Christina xxx

  2. Can you let me have the address where you are staying xx
