Monday, December 30, 2013

I'll think of a mermaid lagoon!

All it takes is faith and trust.  Oh! And a little bit of Pixie dust.

Which is to say, we got a very good report from our very good doctor today.  A few measurements, another series of images and some discussion of follow up, and we were sent on our way without reservation.

Which means...  HOME!  Tomorrow we start the trek home.  It will take a few days.  Travel with little ones is not best done at a grueling pace, and we plan to stop on a couple of different days to visit family along the way.  But tomorrow we leave and start heading back. The van is packed and the early alarms are set.  Daddy and I are so excited we are almost cranky about it all.

There will be more entries here as we travel.  There is a bit more to say, but right now I have to go round up some of that Pixie dust.  C'mon everybody!


  1. Safe trip home. Happy New Year xx

  2. Thanks! Happy New Year to you and Mick and all the wonderful furries!! Hope 2014 brings you many good things. xoxoxo
